Eat local, Holliston!

Mar 01, 2019

Eat local, Holliston! We’ve all heard of buying local, but what about eating local? Locovore is a new buzz word, but it’s something our ancestors did long before us. Locovore is the practice of eating food that is grown locally, and the benefits to our communities are numerous, including:

-supporting local businesses; creating jobs in our region and increasing our employment/tax base

-preserving valuable farm land and open space in our community

-reducing our carbon footprint

-and let’s be honest, eating local fresh food just tastes better!

Together with other area Agricultural Commissions, we hope to promote seasonally available agricultural products grown or raised within our region. So when you’re out and about around town, snap a picture of locally grown products from our many farms, and post it to our Facebook page, and let’s all start eating local.
